Tuesday, February 12, 2019


At some point in life we have all been frustrated.  I know life itself seems to frustrate me.  God even frustrates me sometimes.  He never lets me down or abandons me.  Oh but he frustrates me.

The frustration seems to come into play when I'm not getting my own way. When I am trying to bargain.   It doesn't matter if it's work, an argument with my spouse, or an argument with God. My frustration comes from within me. It took me a long time to realize that. However, once I learned that, it became easier to not focus on whatever the issue is.

Does this mean that I won't get frustrated anymore?  Absolutely not.  But it does mean that I can take a step back and re-evaluate the situation.  I never want to be so frustrated that a situation causes me to lose sight of God.

How do you best handle frustration?  Are you quick to go to God or do you stew over the issues?

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