Sunday, September 2, 2018

Peace Beyond My Own Understanding

Why is it that when we want something, it doesn't seem to matter to us whether or not it is part of God's plan?  As humans, we are selfish people.  Our wants seem more important to us than what is actually best for us.

I have been thinking a lot lately about all the choices that I've made without seeking God's will.  It doesn't matter whether those decisions were for big things in my life or little ones.  It often seems that when I don't seek God's will, something goes wrong.  Sometimes I put myself in the way of God's plan.

I am learning that whenever I seek His will before I make a decision, He guides each step that I take.  It just makes things easier.  I am even finding that I am happier in general with God directing my path.

You know, it's strange... God has been showing me that being patient and trusting Him brings such peace in life.  Is everything perfect all the time?  Not even close.  However, when I trust him completely, He brings a peace that is beyond my own understanding.

Is there something in your life that you need to give over to God in order to get peace in your life?  Leave me a message and I will be happy to pray for you.

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