Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Spiritual Attack

You know I've been learning a lot in the past few months. I'm learning that no matter what I do, Christ has to be the center of it. However, Satan doesn't doesn't like that.

Lately I feel like I'm under attack. I was on a good track of being positive.  Now our Central Air Conditioner is broken.  We also need a new refrigerator.  We found out that both need replaced on the same day.

This stinks!  However, Satan doesn't win this one.  I choose to stay positive.  Some may complain because we just paid off our credit cards.  I choose to thank God that we have the capability to purchase the new items that we need.

You know, it's not just about having put more money on the credit card that we just paid off. It's about the worry and the doubt that Satan puts in your head. The Bible specifically says not to worry. Over and over again it says to trust him. Sometimes it's hard. But in the long run it's worth it!

Do you feel like you are under spiritual attack?  Trust that God will bless you.  Know that He loves you.  Pray for his help & guidance.

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