Thursday, May 10, 2018

Trust & Obey

When we were growing up, there were consequences for disobedience.  We knew that if we were caught doing something that we were not supposed to be doing, that we were in trouble.  Why is it then that we are so quick to disobey God?

There have been plenty of times in my life where God has pointed out things to me that I shouldn't be doing.  I stopped doing them for a while, and then out of nowhere, I was doing them again.  One I can think of right off the top of my head is cussing.  Other times it could be God telling me to do something specific.  Automatically my thoughts turn to "I can't do that.  What will people think?"  I can tell you with certainty, that He will not stop reminding you of what He told you to do.

Look at the story of Jonah.  He didn't want to go to Ninevah.  So he ran from God.  That didn't turn out the way he hoped.  He was swallowed by a giant fish.  However, after he repented, the fish spit him back out & he did what God had told him to do.

Sometimes I feel like Jonah.  I don't want to do what God is asking.  I try to run and do things on my own.  I guess you could relate that feeling to that of a toddler who just screams "NO!" and refuses.  Then there are other times that I feel like a kid when they are being forced to clean their room.  I do what I am told, but I wait as long as I can and do other things first.  Neither of those ways ever worked well with my parents.  It certainly doesn't work well with God either.

I am learning that it is better to be obedient to what God wants me to do.  Every day I pray that God will give me the strength to follow His will for my life.  It's not easy, but God never said following Him would be easy.  He said it would be worth it.

Now keep in mind, Satan doesn't like it when we are obedient.  He likes it even less when we are building a relationship with Christ.  He will try his best to put doubts in your head.  Satan will try anything that he can in order to get in the way of your relationship with God.

For me, that's where I can put my stubbornness to good use.  Every time that Satan attacks, I start playing worship music... I pick up my Bible and read for a while... I start working on this blog... I pray.  A calming reassurance comes over me.  He reminds me to trust Him & have faith that He will work everything out for His glory.

So, pray for God to show you His will for your life.  When He does, and He will, be obedient.  Keep the faith and trust that God will bless you if you follow Him.

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