Sunday, April 29, 2018

The Order of Things

I am sure by now that anyone who reads my blog is wondering about the title.  I chose the title because I have learned in life that there has to be an order to things.  Without order, there is chaos.  I am not happy when there is chaos in my life.  Therefore, I choose to live in JOY.

     Jesus First
     Others Next
     Yourself Last

God must ALWAYS be first in my life.  I have learned this the hard way.  When I do things without praying about them and seeking wisdom from God, they don't always go the way that I want them to go.  God has a plan for my life, and when I do things on my own, sometimes I get in the way of His plan.

My husband and kids typically come next.  It is important that my husband and kids know that I love them enough to make sure that their needs are met.  After all, they do the same for me.  However, sometimes I find it hard to find a good balance of taking care of others and knowing when I need to take time out for me.

Lastly, I take time out for me.  After all, how can I care for others when I am physically and mentally drained?  There are many things that you can do for yourself that don't cost much money, or even that are free.  A bubble bath can cost only a few dollars every few months depending on the bubbles that you buy.  Sitting down for a cup of coffee uninterrupted really doesn't cost a whole lot if you look at the fact that you are probably buying the coffee anyways.  A phone call to a friend or family member while you drink that cup of coffee is nice too. Sometimes it might just mean spending extra time alone with God.  This morning instead of just reading 1 chapter in my Bible, I read the entire book of Esther before anyone else was even out of bed.  This complete quiet time with no one asking for anything, allowed me to think about what I was reading today and remember some things from a book I was reading yesterday.

I want to also give you something to think about regarding order.  I went to a christian school from 4th grade through 12th grade graduation.  I grew quite fond of several of the teachers there.  After having open heart surgery 5 1/2 years ago, I decided to visit.  A lot of the teachers were very surprised that I was there since they knew of my surgery and had been praying for me.  They all asked how I was doing with genuine concern.  However, one teacher asked a more important question.  He asked "How is your relationship with Christ?"  Honestly, it threw me back a little.  I had to think about my answer.  I answered the best that I could.  I told him that it was getting better.  So even though we want our friends/family to feel well, I think that we need to remember that more important than our physical and mental health, is our spiritual health and well being.

So, my question to you is the same as that teacher asked me.  How is your relationship with Christ?  Also, are you living in JOY?  Do you have something in your life that is getting in the way of your relationship with God?  I would love to hear from you.  Let me know your answers.  If you are in need of prayer, please post your prayer request.  I would be happy to pray for you.

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