Saturday, April 7, 2018

Why do we worry?

I am a worrier.  Even worse, I am spoiled.  I tend to get angry when there is something that I want but I am not getting what I want or what I feel I need when I want it.   Looking back at life, I can see that God always supplied what I truly needed.  Why is it though that I couldn't see that He knows what I need?  Why am I a worrier when I am called to be a warrior?

One of my favorite scriptures is Matthew 6:24 which says "So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today." We need to live for today - not worry about what tomorrow will bring.  No matter what it is, with God on our side, we can do anything. 

I have found that when I let go of my worries & insecurities, that I am happier.  I know that no matter what God's plan is for my life, he goes before me.  Therefore, I don't need to worry.  By giving it all over to God, I have been a happier person.  The Bible clearly tells us not to.  It always tells us to trust.  It's definitely not easy to completely let go & let God.  However, I am slowly learning to do just that.

Is there something that you are worrying about?  Give it over to God.  You will be amazed at the peace that you will feel.

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